You know that if you’re interested in protecting your oral health, you need to brush and floss your teeth regularly. But would you be surprised to learn that there are a number of things that many Americans could actually do better when it comes to brushing? If you’re interested in brushing your teeth as effectively as possible, you’ll need to... read more »
The wonderful cheer and treats are all around us this holiday season. With so much to feast on, it’s easy to let cavities invade your smile and damage your oral health. That is why our team here at Legacy Smiles Family Dental is happy to help you crush those cavities and restore your oral health with composite fillings. To help... read more »
Do you ever wonder how caring for your teeth could help your body stay healthy? If you don’t care for your teeth well, you could have gum disease, which can allow bad bacteria into your bloodstream, where it can spread to other parts of your body and cause more serious issues. Unfortunately, this bacteria can lead to a number of... read more »
If someone were to approach you and ask if you take good care of your teeth, would you say yes? Sure, you may brush your teeth twice daily, but what other methods do you use to ensure optimum oral health? Ask yourself the following questions to determine your overall oral health level. - Do you also floss and/or use mouthwash... read more »
There are many smells we can associate with Valentine’s Day, from chocolate to roses. However, rotting food and sulphur are two smells your loved one definitely does not want to smell on your breath when you give them a good night’s kiss. In order to fight bad breath (also known as halitosis), you must learn what causes of it and... read more »
Do you ever struggle with flossing? While most people know that flossing is extremely important, some struggle with the process. Obviously, traditional floss is the most common and most frequently used type of floss, but some people still struggle with it. For example, some individuals have a hard time navigating the floss through their teeth or struggle to reach their... read more »