You know that if you’re interested in protecting your oral health, you need to brush and floss your teeth regularly. But would you be surprised to learn that there are a number of things that many Americans could actually do better when it comes to brushing? If you’re interested in brushing your teeth as effectively as possible, you’ll need to... read more »
Do you ever wonder how caring for your teeth could help your body stay healthy? If you don’t care for your teeth well, you could have gum disease, which can allow bad bacteria into your bloodstream, where it can spread to other parts of your body and cause more serious issues. Unfortunately, this bacteria can lead to a number of... read more »
You probably know someone who incorporates mouthwash into their daily routine. You probably know that using mouthwash can benefit your smile--particularly your breath-- but did you know that there are a few other perks you could enjoy by using mouthwash regularly? To be fair, some mouthwashes are only meant to cover bad breath, but if you are using mouthwash consistently... read more »