Sleep apnea is a serious condition, causing millions of Americans to suffer from a poor night’s sleep as well as other potentially serious complications. One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea involves chronic snoring and issues with interrupted breathing throughout the night.
There are several different treatment options available for sleep apnea suffers. Before committing to a particular option, it is best to talk to your physician to have your sleep apnea diagnosed. Individuals that suffer from a severe case of sleep apnea often require a positive pressure treatment device or CPAP machine to achieve safe, quality sleep.
However, people with mild to moderate sleep apnea can often find significant relief of their symptoms by using a snore guard. It’s worth noting that all snore guards need to be prescribed by a physician or an oral health care professional.
Tongue stabilizing are a type of snore guard preferred by denture wearers, because the unit doesn’t attach to your teeth. The snore guard helps to hold your tongue and soft palate in position to mitigate snoring and improve air flow.
You should clean the snore guard each morning by brushing it with denture polish to remove bacteria and plaque. You can also brush your tongue to clean away bacteria and freshen your breath. Make sure to thoroughly dry the snore guard with a clean paper towel and store it in the case provided.
If you would like to explore your snore guard options, you should call Legacy Smiles Family Dental at 208-888-3311 to set up a consultation.